Heartbreaking, wild, and beautiful, this film revolves around an anarchistic trio of siblings. Director Mika Gustafson won the award for Best Director in the Orrizonti section at the Venice Film Festival 2023, as well as the Pendici Award for best direction by a person under 40 years old. Paradiset brinner (Paradise Is Burning) received two awards at the Guldbagge Awards 2023, including Best Film!


Three sisters stand united in a chaotic yet loving everyday life without parents. All they need is each other, their friends, and pastimes like breaking into unguarded pool villas. But when social services sense trouble, Laura is forced to seek help outside the safety of their close-knit group. The clock is ticking, and it becomes increasingly clear that life is about to change forever in a world where freedom and despair go hand in hand.


  • ★★★★★ “Sharp dialogue, brilliantly young actors, and a refreshingly rebellious sisterly tone make Paradiset brinner an irresistible debut.” – Dagens Nyheter
  • ★★★★★ “One of the best original Swedish films of the year.” – Nöjesguiden
  • ★★★★ “Wild and suggestive.” – Kulturnytt i P1
  • ★★★★ “A magical and poignant portrayal of growing up, well worth watching.” – Moviezine


Distribution: TriArt

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